How to Maximize the Value of Your Video

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Let’s say you have a really great video. You researched the heck out of the topic, you found the right person to shoot it, you bought a ring light on Amazon to make it look professional, you edited it and uploaded it to a video hosting site. 

Now that you’ve done all that, how do you squeeze the maximum value out of your video? 

Having great video content is only the first step to making an impact with your audience beyond a “blip”. It’s no easy feat, as 500 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every single minute and 5 billion videos are watched every single day.  That’s a lot of competition for people’s time.  

That’s why we wanted to provide a blog with some tips on how to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to your existing video content.  

Understand What You Have

To really make the most of your video, first you need to understand everything that you already have. Now is as good a time as any to audit your company’s video content. Look carefully to see what you have covered, what is still relevant, and where you have gaps. It’s helpful to bucket your content into topics. 

Make Your Content Searchable

Good SEO practices are key when it comes to helping your videos be found in search engines.  

  • Make memorable and informative titles  
  • Add captioning and a transcription of the video somewhere on the page or on the social media platform 
  • Use metadata and tags to help categorize and organize your videos   
  • Create a great thumbnail that represents what your video is about 

Repurpose Your Videos

Once you have audited your back catalogue of video content, now you are in a good position to repurpose it! This could look like: 

  • Break down larger videos into small snippets to use on different channels. For instance, if you have a 5-minute YouTube video, break it up into five 1-minute segments and put each on social.  
  • Combine snippets from different videos into a longer, new video 
  • Use clips of videos on your website pages, including an FAQ page 

Think Episodic

When you want people to keep coming back to your videos, think like a media company. Rather than producing on-offs, thinking about how you could use your existing content into a video series with new releases every week or month.  

Build Different Channels

You can maximize value to your audience by building audience-specific channels with videos that speak to their primary interests and objectives.  

For instance, let’s say you produce videos about camping equipment. You could explore having completely different video channels for experienced outdoor people versus people just starting out who need to know the basics.  

Create an Excellent Landing Pages

Instead of sharing your video straight from YouTube or Vimeo, create a landing page on your website that you can then share. This increases SEO benefits. You will want your landing page to primarily feature the video, but also include a great title and description as well as a transcription somewhere on the page. 

Encourage Social Sharing

Share your videos often! Create a content or social calendar and make sure to include many of your videos regularly on your social channels. Make it easy for people to share your videos by always including social links on the landing page, as well. 


I hope these tips for maximizing and repurposing your videos was helpful! For more information on how Digital Joy can help you tell your story and take your video content to the next level, visit    

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